College Validation Complete. DG4-B is a Go!
It’s a Go!
The Go-Live Validation session held this afternoon with Deployment Group 4-B (Seattle Colleges) subject matter experts (SMEs) went well and the “thumbs up” has been given for Seattle Colleges to go live as planned tomorrow, Feb. 22, 2021.
The Go/No-Go briefing just concluded, during which Seattle Colleges and ctcLink Project PMs and leadership discussed the results of this afternoon’s validation session.
The result: All officially approved a “Go” for DG4-B
College SMEs took four hours today to review their ctcLink environment — checking local college and district office configuration and data to ensure everything was how and where it should be. The project team provided support and tracked any issues encountered during the validation session. The issues were logged and discussed with colleges during the Go/No-Go call. The issues found have either already been resolved, or a solution is in place to fix the issues, or meetings will be set to address the concerns in the coming days.
What Happens Next?
The SBCTC/ctcLink teams will be cleaning up any issues and doing final preparations for bringing the ctcLink system back online.
While the official launch of DG4-B is tomorrow morning, it’s expected the ctcLink system will be back up and operational for ctcLink colleges by 10 p.m. this evening. All ctcLink colleges will get the normal ctcLink Alerts message from SBCTC announcing the system is back up and operational. For Seattle Colleges, the post go-live support Webex room opens at 9 a.m.
Seattle Colleges pushed ctcLink to the halfway mark!
Thank you to everyone for contributing to yet another significant ctcLink milestone: We are now at the halfway point! With 17 colleges on ctcLink and 17 more to go, it is a significant milestone and we cannot thank Seattle Colleges enough for helping us get there.
There aren’t enough kudos to adequately recognize Seattle’s project manager, Daniel Cordas, and all the college SMEs for their hard work (and stress and exhaustion) leading up to this moment. We appreciate your time and expertise today to check for issues and validate the system to ensure ctcLink is ready for you and your users.
Profound gratitude and much-needed sleep for the SBCTC ctcLink teams for the amazing and successful job prepping four more colleges for ctcLink and supporting college SMEs all the way to the finish line.
Congratulations and nicely done, Seattle Colleges!