I missed posting yesterday. I need to get back into the groove! With the new year 2020 starting tomorrow it makes me think of all of the changes we will go through during 2020. While we won’t actually go live until 2021, 2020 is the year we will make most of the decisions regarding the changes. Change is hard, it is a loss of the old way and it is fear of the unknown, but it is also a time when we can improve our processes to better serve our students and work together to make the conversion to ctcLink as easy as possible on all employees. In that regard, today’s terms are in regards to change:
Conversion – In a PeopleSoft implementation, conversion refers to the process of loading data from the existing legacy systems (HP3000) to PeopleSoft. The conversion process involves identifying the data that must be brought to the new system, mapping the data to PeopleSoft fields, translating old codes into PeopleSoft codes, and finally loading the clean, compatible data into PeopleSoft.
OCM or Organizational Change Management – We have an OCM committee here on campus. Many employees have been through OCM training and we have Organizational Change Management Plans. The definition – Change management is the people side of any organizational change. It focuses on ensuring that your whole team embraces your new direction or adopts and learns to use your new systems and processes. OCM is about helping each individual change as it takes all individuals in an organization.
Configuration – Basic changes to the default PeopleSoft system to make it meet the systems business needs.
Customization – Changing the PeopleSoft system beyond basic configuration. Each time a modification is made it adds to the complexity, time and cost of upgrading the software.
CEMLI – Abbreviation for the different kinds of changes that can be made to the PeopleSoft application: Configurations, Extensions, Modifications, Localizations and Interfaces (CEMLI). There is a stringent approval process. CEMLIs are costly and can cause integration issues.
Modification – Changing actual PeopleSoft system beyond basic configuration. Each time a modification is made it adds to the complexity, time and cost of upgrading the software.
Delta – A change from how things might previously have been done.
I wish you all a happy and safe New Year’s Eve!