ctcLink Update: With our Go Live date of November 8, 2022 we are now six months from Go Live! College Subject Matters and others are working hard on activities to prepare us for this transition.
We are currently involved in Conversion Cycle 3 with the State Board. We have turned in updated data files and assignments and the State Board is reconfiguring and converting our data for Data Validation Cycle 3 which will take place May 12 to May 27. Once again, our Subject Matter Experts will be involved in reviewing our data and configuration in ctcLink to determine if the system is set up correctly and our data converted correctly.
On May 17 our Course Catalog Subject Matter Experts and Course Fee Subject Matter Experts will attend a four-day workshop to build out our Course Catalog. ctcLink Course Catalog has more functionality and information than what is housed in our current HP system therefore, EvCC courses must each be updated manually with this additional information. This workshop is training and time to work on building out our course catalog. This work must be done by June 15 in order to build our Class Schedule and Class Fees in ctcLink.
A ctcLink EvCC Security Team has been formed and on April 12 this team attended the Kick Off for our Local Security Management Plan. This team is learning how Security works in ctcLink by taking a Canvas Course and attending a weekly security meeting with the State Board in addition, they are completing a Security Workbook to provide State Board with security roles for every EvCC employee.
Subject Matter Experts are currently working on Pre-requisite Self-Paced Canvas Training Courses. These courses are a required building block for the next set of activities, End User Training and User Acceptance Testing. There are 129 Subject Matter Experts with a total of 1,310 courses assigned.
A lot of work and time across campus is being completed by many amazing EvCC employees! If you would like to see what is happening and what is coming next, a timeline of activities can be viewed on our ctcLink Resources intranet Project Timeline page.