ctcLink Back to the Future -12 days – 10/27/21 – Wednesday


Thursday, October 28, 2021All Timesheets must be submitted and approved by this date.
Time sheets must be in on time. There will be no hand-drawn checks, so employees who have not submitted their time sheets will not receive their check until the Nov 25th pay-date. 

I have received some questions regarding our HP Legacy system after we go live, so thought I would send out some information.  

On Thursday, November 4 at 3:00 pm all employees that currently have login access to the HP will need to be logged out.  

On Friday morning, November 5, we will get Legacy HP back, but in read only mode.  The plan is that all employees who currently have access will continue to have view only access.  We will still also have Data Express and will be able to pull Data Express reports after going live.  

Some offices will still need to be able to do some functions in HP after going live.

  • Financial Aid office will continue Dual Processing in HP and ctcLink
  • Enrollment Services Office will pull official transcripts for students who did not convert to ctcLink
  • Student Financials and Finance team will continue work in HP for Financial Aid and Accounts Payable
  • Payroll will still be able to download reports  

How long will you have access to HP screens after going live?  The State Board will migrate HP Legacy to another system once  a timeline has been determined.   The decision will be made after all colleges are live.  HP Legacy will be available until a plan is determined and implemented.