A lot is happening across campus to prepare for the conversion to ctcLink. Here are just a few updates on those activities.
Today our Pillar Leads and IT Team meet with the State Board to go over all of the final shutdown and conversion steps that will take place over the next two weeks. There are jobs that need to be run and jobs that need to be turned off! Next Thursday employees in our Legacy HP system will have their accounts set to view only at noon and then will need to be out of the system by 3:00 pm. Thursday night is when the State Board will pull our data from HP for the last time for Go Live.
There are many people across campus working on support resources for employees and students. We are working on putting these documents on our ctcLink intranet page for employees and our website for students. Our Marketing/Communication team is finalizing a video on how to activate your account and working on other videos for students.
Our IT ctcLink Security Team members are working through work orders and comparing two environments to ensure the environment that will be converted to the ctcLink live production environment is up to date. This is complicated work due to the robust functionality of ctcLink. A big thanks to our security team for doing this work!
Over the past month we have conducted training for staff that work with students. If you were not able to join in these training sessions or you want to review them again, the resources and recordings from those sessions are available on our ctcLink Resources page. This resources page includes codes and crosswalks for staff that work with students and as more are finalized at go live they will be added, so staff that work with students should bookmark this page to use when we go live.