Have you completed your Canvas Course Training? The State Board has produced Canvas Training courses on the functionality of ctcLink. Recommended training depending on your role at the college is listed on the ctcLink Training Intranet site.
The course required for all employees is ES100 Employee Self Service. So far, 361 employees have registered for this course and 264 have completed. Here is a link to register for this and other ctcLink Canvas Courses.
All staff will get access to log into ctcLink starting November 12. Time and Leave will need to be submitted and approved by November 16. This will be done in ctcLink. The ES100 Employee Self Service course explains how to submit your time and leave. Our Human Resources office has also produced “How To’s” and will have training/Q&A sessions starting November 12. The schedule will be released closer to go live.
If you have not yet completed the training, now is the time! The Canvas training is self-paced but should be completed by the end of October.