Back to the Future!

ctcLink 2021

Peer Review Day 1 a Success

Today’s Peer Review went great!  We received the highest score (3) for the plans presented today.  Great work team!  It was mentioned by a peer college that our plans were excellent and very thorough.   Both Pat Sisneros (Executive Sponsor) and Tim Rager (OCM/IT) attended today.  It was great to have them here for support!  The…
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Peer Review Day 1

Today I am at Peer Review at the North Campus of Bellevue College with the other DG5 colleges. I will be presenting to our DG5 Peer colleges our Charter, budget, and OCM plans, including Training and Communication. For the charter I will be reviewing our goals, the impact to the college, our governance structure and…
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DG5 Peer Review

Next week, December 9 to 11 is DG5’s Peer Review. At Peer Review I will present to State Board and the other DG5 Project Managers the plans that we have completed to get ready for the implementation phase of the ctcLink Project. Check out all the plans and the status reports on the ctcLink Project…
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DG5 – Initiation phase

We are currently in the Initiation phase of the ctcLink Project which means we are planning the project. There have been teams across campus writing plans, doing research, mapping business processes, etc., to get ready for the next phase of the project. Check out the plans at ctcLink Resources Planning Documents. Today I met with…
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Tuesday’s Totally Tubular Terms

There are lots of old and new terms, both for the project and the ctcLink Software. I am going to go over some each week so hopefully everyone can understand what is going on. If you ever have any questions, don’t hesitate to ask. ctcLink is PeopleSoft 9.2 configured for Washington State. PeopleSoft is an…
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Hello EvCC!

The ctcLink project is the implementation of a centralized system (PeopleSoft 9.2). ctcLink will replace the HP3000 software that EvCC has used since the 1980s. I am excited about the theme of “Back to the Future” for this ctcLink project! I look forward to working with you all as we prepare and implement a new…
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