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ctcLink 2021

Tuesday’s Totally Tubular Terms 4 – Happy New Year’s Eve!

I missed posting yesterday. I need to get back into the groove! With the new year 2020 starting tomorrow it makes me think of all of the changes we will go through during 2020. While we won’t actually go live until 2021, 2020 is the year we will make most of the decisions regarding the…
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In the New Year!

During implementation we will be cleaning legacy data and validating data for over a year. This may seem like a long time, but this is the time when we are able to get into the ctclink system, see how it works and develop our future state. We will be learning a new software but with…
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Student Financials Video

There are some videos available on how to conduct work in ctcLink. To get an idea of how to maneuver through ctcLink here is a link to a Panapto video regarding Student Financials. Student Financials is where student tuition is charged and paid. The cashiers will use Student Financials. Check it out –

Implementation Schedule

Last week we received the Draft of our Implementation Schedule.  Here is some information about that schedule: Before we start implementation in March employees who use HP need to take the PeopleSoft Fundamentals class that is offered in Canvas.  The training committee will be working on identifying everyone who needs to take it and you…
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Tuesday’s Totally Tubular Terms 3

Happy Winter Grazing Day! It seems appropriate on the day the college celebrates the holidays, Tuesday’s Totally Tubular Terms should be about the people at the college – your new ID number in ctcLink, your self service abilities, etc. Enjoy your day! Empl ID Pronounced – “em pul eye dee” A single identification number for…
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ctcLink Status

As of today, we have 66% of the initiation phase complete. We are expected to be at 75% by March of 2020. When we get the Business Process Maps completed and finalize the last Data Cleansing reports from State Board, we should be at 75%. The next step to get to 100% is to do…
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ctcLink Friday Functionality

Did you know that when we move to ctcLink employees will be able to manage their personal information(address, email, phone, emergency contact, etc.), report time (regular, comp, and overtime), request leave, and see their paycheck information in ctcLink.   Here is a picture of the Paychecks screen in the Payroll module of ctcLink. When you select…
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Peer Review – ctcLink Schedule

With Peer Review complete, we received a draft timeline of our ctcLink schedule today. I will be presenting it tomorrow at the Working Group/College meeting at 11:00 am to get feedback. The draft timeline has us starting implementation on March 30, 2020 and going live October 11, 2021. This is what we expected, so no…
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Peer Review Day 2

Peer Review was a great success today.  All the DG5 colleges gave their status on the following deliverables:MS Project Plan Risk Management PlanData CleansingLegacy Business Process MappingSupplemental SystemsAll colleges, including us, received 3s for all deliverables.  The colleges have all done a lot of work and we are all ready to move to the implementation phase.  Tomorrow we…
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Tuesday’s Totally Tubular Terms 2

ctcLink Pillars: The ctcLink software is made up of three main Pillars. One for Human Capital Management (HCM), one for Finance (FIN), and one for student information, Campus Solutions (CS). The CS Pillar includes Financial Aid, Curriculum, and Student Financials. ctcLink Modules: Within each Pillar there are modules. Modules are a group of processes that…
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