DG5-B Go-Live Complete!
The DG5-B conversion to ctcLink is complete! Bellingham Technical College, Big Bend Community College and Whatcom Community College go live today!
It is now two weeks until we go live! Here are some important dates for this week:
Wednesday, October 27, 2021 | Legacy web admissions portals will close until the new ctcLink admissions portal opens on Monday, November 8, 2021.Winter 2022, New Students should apply by this date to complete the “Getting Started” steps and be ready to register at the start of open registration. |
This Thursday Timesheets are due for the 10/16/21 to 10/31/21 pay period. They must be submitted early so that payroll can run early on November 1, prior to conversion.
Thursday, October 28, 2021 | All Timesheets must be submitted and approved by this date. Time sheets must be in on time. There will be no hand-drawn checks, so employees who have not submitted their time sheets will not receive their check until the Nov 25th pay-date. |
Please review the ctcLink Key Dates Intranet page and ctcLink Finance Updates page for more important dates and information.