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ctcLink 2021

ctcLink Update

ctcLink Update:  Go Live date – November 8, 2021! Conversion Cycle 3 is wrapping up next week when Subject Matter Experts (SMEs) complete Data Validation.  The last step in each cycle.  Human Resources, Financial Aid, Student Financials (cashiering and accounts receivable), Finance Office, Admissions, Enrollment Services, Veterans, International Education, Workforce Funding, Testing Center, CCEC, Transitional…
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ctcLink Project Update

ctcLink Update:  With our Go Live date of November 8, 2022 we are now six months from Go Live!  College Subject Matters and others are working hard on activities to prepare us for this transition. We are currently involved in Conversion Cycle 3 with the State Board.  We have turned in updated data files and…
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ctcLink Explainer: Moving from “Project” to “Support”

April 05, 2021 by ctcLink Communications The ctcLink Project includes all the activities needed to move colleges from the HP Legacy system to ctcLink (Oracle PeopleSoft products: Campus Solutions, Finance, Human Capital Management, as well as key third-party applications) in several deployment groups. Who Works with Colleges Before Go-Live? As each group of colleges (deployment…
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ctcLink Update

Dear Colleagues, I am committed to keep you informed about all of the work occurring to transition to the ctcLink Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) technology system. This month colleges from deployment group four (DG4) are transitioning to ctcLink. Centralia College, Edmonds College, Highline College, and Wenatchee College went live on February 8 and the Seattle…
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DG4-B is a Go!

College Validation Complete. DG4-B is a Go! It’s a Go! The Go-Live Validation session held this afternoon with Deployment Group 4-B (Seattle Colleges) subject matter experts (SMEs) went well and the “thumbs up” has been given for Seattle Colleges to go live as planned tomorrow, Feb. 22, 2021. The Go/No-Go briefing just concluded, during which Seattle Colleges and ctcLink Project…
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ctcLink Goes Live for Centralia, Edmonds, Highline, and Wenatchee Valley Colleges

February 09, 2021 by ctcLink Communications The first set of Deployment Group 4 (DG4-A) colleges went live on ctcLink PeopleSoft on Monday, Feb. 8, 2021. Welcome to the ctcLink family, Centralia College, Edmonds College, Highline College, and Wenatchee Valley College! Success in Unprecedented Circumstances Even under ideal circumstances, the weeks leading up to — and the weekend…
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DG4 A is Live

ctcLink State Update:  Deployment Group 4A, Wenatchee Valley, Centralia, Edmonds, and Highline are now live in ctcLink as of Monday, February 8, 2020.   Here is a quote from the State Board Communication Manager, “Thank you to everyone for writing a new chapter in ctcLink implementation history: the most colleges to go live in one (Super Bowl)…
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ctcLink Update

ctcLink Update:  This weekend, DG4-A, Centralia, Wenatchee, Edmonds, and Highline colleges will be converted to ctcLink and Go Live on Monday!  This will bring the total number of schools to 14 in ctcLink.  At EvCC we are gearing up for our first data validation cycle starting March 2.  The last week of February and the…
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ctcLink Update

Nine (9 months from now we will be live in ctcLink!  Subject Matter Experts (SMEs) are working through the first End User Canvas Courses and working on future state change analysis.  Next week the Admissions office will be attending our last Business Process Fit Gap regarding Admissions and Recruitment.  In preparation for the transition we…
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It’s a Go!

Another milestone in the ctcLink project was reached this weekend!  Deployment Group 3B is live today.   The DG3-B wrote a new chapter in ctcLink implementation history: executing the go-live process from a fully remote work status due to the governor’s stay-at-home order. State Board ctcLink Project Team completed the conversion on Friday and Saturday  and…
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